Segmentation fault when running 'bundle exec rake' Segmentation fault when running 'bundle exec rake' json json

Segmentation fault when running 'bundle exec rake'

I had the same error too. Googled around and found these two posts

The first post's solution fixed it for me, so for you it would be:

rvm get stablervm reinstall ruby-2.1.5

This worked for me:

  1. Uninstall ruby: rvm remove 2.2.1

  2. Install ruby: rvm install 2.2.1

  3. Reinstall rails: sudo gem install rails

  4. Reinstall missing gems: bundle install

  5. Update RubyGems gem install rubygems-update

  6. Reset gems gem pristine --all

  7. Maybe you'll have to rerun bundle install

Try running rails server rails s

Actually, just recalling rvm use ruby-2.2.5 fixed this for me, and is less destructive than the other solutions.