Sending POST request via HTTP using Safari on Mac Sending POST request via HTTP using Safari on Mac json json

Sending POST request via HTTP using Safari on Mac

Safari is my browser of choice, so I can empathize with you for wanting a native plugin. Fortunately, while there aren't any extensions available, there are quite a few native OSX clients for HTTP/REST end-point testing. I have been using CocoaRestClient, which includes auto-formatting and syntax highlighting for JSON, as you requested. It's open source, lightweight, and is at least actively supported by its developers:

Another great tool is Postman, an application inside Google Chrome.

I don't know why you care whether the client is in Safari or not. A restful POST should be able to be executed from any sort of client. You might want to look at RESTClient extension for Firefox

Also just Google 'REST client' you should see plenty of other tools available to generate POST's against your service. If you are really would about Safari-specific responses, most good REST tools, should allow you to set the User-Agent header so as to make the request look like it is coming from Safari.