Serializing a Dictionary<> object with DataContractJsonSerializer Serializing a Dictionary<> object with DataContractJsonSerializer json json

Serializing a Dictionary<> object with DataContractJsonSerializer

Try serializing this

var parameters = new{    username = "mike",    password = "secret",    persist = false}

After adding System.Json as a reference, use this helper class to construct the JSON properties:

public static class JsonHelper{    public static KeyValuePair<string, JsonValue> CreateProperty(string name, dynamic value)    {        return new KeyValuePair<string, JsonValue>(name, new JsonPrimitive(value));    }}

The following LINQ query will dynamically return the JSON properties as a JsonArray using the Helper class.

var result = from item in parameters             select new JsonObject(JsonHelper.CreateProperty(item.Key, item.Value));string json = (new JsonArray(result)).ToString();

