ServiceStack.Text json deserialization creates wrong object instead of throwing on invalid json input string ServiceStack.Text json deserialization creates wrong object instead of throwing on invalid json input string json json

ServiceStack.Text json deserialization creates wrong object instead of throwing on invalid json input string

This is resolved in ServiceStack.Text v4+ which by default doesn't populate incomplete collections, e.g:

public class Poco{    public string ExtId { get; set; }    public string Name { get; set; }    public string[] Mobiles { get; set; }}var json = "[{\"ExtId\":\"2\",\"Name\":\"VIP sj�lland\",\"Mobiles\":[\"4533333333\",\"4544444444\"]";var dto = json.FromJson<Poco[]>();Assert.That(dto[0].ExtId, Is.EqualTo("2"));Assert.That(dto[0].Name, Is.EqualTo("VIP sj�lland"));Assert.That(dto[0].Mobiles, Is.Null);

Or if preferred can throw on Error:

JsConfig.ThrowOnDeserializationError = true;Assert.Throws<SerializationException>(() =>     json.FromJson<Poco[]>());

C# is a little bit picky when it comes to JSON. Following would be valid! Note i do not have anonymous object array as the default element.

{    "ExtItem": [        {            "ExtId": "2",            "Name": "VIPsj�lland",            "Mobiles": [                "4533333333",                "4544444444"            ]        }    ]}

If i generate a POCO from this I get

public class Rootobject{    public Extitem[] ExtItem { get; set; }}public class Extitem{    public string ExtId { get; set; }    public string Name { get; set; }    public string[] Mobiles { get; set; }}

I personally use extension method to string

public static class Extensions{    public  static bool DeserializeJson<T>(this String str, out T item)    {        item = default(T);        try        {            item = new JavaScriptSerializer().Deserialize<T>(str);            return true;        }        catch (Exception ex)        {            return false;        }    }}

This would enable me to write:

Rootobject ext;const string validJson = @"{    ""ExtItem"": [        {            ""ExtId"":""2"",            ""Name"":""VIPsj�lland"",            ""Mobiles"":[                ""4533333333"",                ""4544444444""            ]        }    ]}";if (validJson.DeserializeJson(out ext)){ //valid input     // following would print 2 elements : 4533333333, 4544444444    Console.WriteLine(string.Join(", ", ext.ExtItem.First().Mobiles)); } //invalid input

I tried this an have the exception thrown when I missed the } at the end.

In C#, the format for JSON is {"name", "value"} not [{"name", "value"}].

class M        {            public string ExtId { get; set; }            public string Name { get; set; }            public List<string> Mobiles { get; set; }        }string str = "{\"ExtId\":\"2\",\"Name\":\"VIP\",\"Mobiles\":[\"4533333333\",\"4544444444\"]";M m = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<M>(str);

When run this, you will get error as a } is missing.


string str = "{\"ExtId\":\"2\",\"Name\":\"VIP\",\"Mobiles\":[\"4533333333\",\"4544444444\"]}";

The object is deserialized fine.

You can see the JSON of this object from:

string s = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(m);