Set Current TimeZone to @JsonFormat timezone value Set Current TimeZone to @JsonFormat timezone value json json

Set Current TimeZone to @JsonFormat timezone value

You can use JsonFormat.DEFAULT_TIMEZONE, after properly configuring the ObjectMapper:

@JsonFormat(shape = JsonFormat.Shape.STRING, pattern = "dd-MM-yyyy", timezone = JsonFormat.DEFAULT_TIMEZONE)

From the docs:

Value that indicates that default TimeZone (from deserialization or serialization context) should be used: annotation does not define value to use.

NOTE: default here does NOT mean JVM defaults but Jackson databindings default, usually UTC, but may be changed on ObjectMapper.

In order to configure the ObjectMapper:

@Configurationpublic class MyApp {    @Autowired    public void configureJackson(ObjectMapper objectMapper) {        objectMapper.setTimeZone(TimeZone.getDefault());    }}

To set the default TimeZone on your application use this JVM property:


You cannot assign timezone value a dynamic or a runtime value. It should be constant or a compile time value and enums too accepted.

So you should assign a constant to timezone. like below.

private static final String MY_TIME_ZONE="Asia/Kolkata";@JsonFormat(shape = JsonFormat.Shape.STRING, pattern = "dd-MM-yyyy", timezone = MY_TIME_ZONE);

You can use enumeration in order to possibly enrich you time zones that you would use. A solution using enumeration is the following enumeration class implementation.

    package <your package goes here>;    import java.util.TimeZone;    public enum TimeZoneEnum {        DEFAULT(TimeZone.getDefault()),        ASIA_KOLKATA = (TimeZone.getTimeZone("Africa/Abidjan")),        //other timezones you maybe need        ...    private final TimeZone tz;        private TimeZoneEnum(final TimeZone tz)        {   = tz;        }        public final TimeZone getTimeZone()        {            return tz;        }    }

Then you can utilize you enumeration like below:

@JsonFormat(shape = JsonFormat.Shape.STRING, pattern = "dd-MM-yyyy", timezone = TimeZoneEnum.ASIA_KOLKATA )