Set value of hidden field with corresponding data of item selected from AutoCompleteTextView Set value of hidden field with corresponding data of item selected from AutoCompleteTextView json json

Set value of hidden field with corresponding data of item selected from AutoCompleteTextView

Once you click on the place_name field, the hidden EditTexts should get the values you need to send to the database. This can be easily obtained by doing the following:

textMessage.addTextChangedListener(new TextWatcher(){    public void afterTextChanged(Editable s) {        if (textMessage == "//Name of place") {            editText1.setText "//whatever you need";            editText2.setText "//whatever you need";            editText3.setText "//whatever you need";        }    }}); 

Alternatively, I would use a spinner for the place name and would code it with something similar to this:

@Override public void onClick(View arg0) {

    int range = spnDonate.getSelectedItemPosition();    Donator_Name = tboxName.getText().toString();    switch(range) {        case 0:            editText1.setText = "//whatever you need";            editText2.setText = "//whatever you need";            editText3.setText = "//whatever you need";            break;        case 1:            editText1.setText = "//whatever you need";            editText2.setText = "//whatever you need";            editText3.setText = "//whatever you need";            break;        case 2:            editText1.setText = "//whatever you need";            editText2.setText = "//whatever you need";            editText3.setText = "//whatever you need";            break;    }}

Hope this helps :)

Set the visibility of these fields to gone .


and when you want to make them visible use
