Simple Python server to process GET and POST requests with JSON Simple Python server to process GET and POST requests with JSON json json

Simple Python server to process GET and POST requests with JSON

Here is an example of server client in python. I am using bottle library to handle requests to server and create server.

Server Code

import subprocessfrom bottle import run, post, request, response, get, route@route('/<path>',method = 'POST')def process(path):    return subprocess.check_output(['python',path+'.py'],shell=True)run(host='localhost', port=8080, debug=True)

It starts server on localhost:8080. You can pass file name you want to run run. Make sure that file is in the same path for above code to work or change path appropriately to run from different directory. Path corresponds to file name and it invokes process function when any path is given. If it cannot find file it raises exception Internal server error. You can call scripts from subdirectories too.

Client Code

import httplib, subprocessc = httplib.HTTPConnection('localhost', 8080)c.request('POST', '/return', '{}')doc = c.getresponse().read()print doc

It invokes a POST request to localhost:8080/return

def func():    print {'4': 5, '6': 7}func()

Make sure you print your output response as we are using subprocess.check_output() as it catches only print statements.

Use Popen in subprocess to open a continuous connection instead of check_output to pass arguments to function in server

Check this documentation on how to extract POST or GET values

I use this:

from apiserve import ApiServer, ApiRouteclass MyServer(ApiServer):         @ApiRoute("/popup")        def addbar(req):            return {"boo":req["bar"]+1}        @ApiRoute("/baz")        def justret(req):            if req:                 raise ApiError(501,"no data in for baz")            return {"obj":1}MyServer("",8000).serve_forever()

That particular wrapper allows you to easily listen on port 0 (random high port) which some frameworks obfuscate. It automatically handles GET/POST requests for all routes, and it merges in URI arguments with the top level JSON object arguments. Which is good enough for me in most cases.

It's a lot lighter weight than most frameworks. Test cases in the gist show better how it works.

Just one more option for those who prefer Flask. This framework is very popular and quite well documented.

Create file (name is important to not to have a deal with environment variables later) with the content like the following:

from flask import Flask, requestapp = Flask(__name__)@app.route('/object/<path_param>')def get_object(path_param):    return {        'path_param': path_param,        'query_param': request.args.get('q', "'q' not set"),    }if __name__ == '__main__':

Run server in terminal like: flask run --reload --host "" --port 7777

Send queries like: curl -i http://localhost:7777/object/something?q=q

Also don't forget to do pip3 install flask to make this work.