Soundcloud API doesn't explicitly support pagination with json Soundcloud API doesn't explicitly support pagination with json json json

Soundcloud API doesn't explicitly support pagination with json

There is an undocumented parameter you can use linked_partitioning=1, that will add next_href to the response.

for ex :

// build our API URL$clientid = "Your API Client ID"; // Your API Client ID$userid = "/ IDuser"; // ID of the user you are fetching the information for// Grab the contents of the URL//more php get$number="1483";$offset=1300;$limit=200;$soundcloud_url = "{$userid}/tracks.json?client_id={$clientid}&offset={$offset}&limit={$limit}";$tracks_json = file_get_contents($soundcloud_url);$tracks = json_decode($tracks_json);foreach ($tracks as $track) {    echo "<pre>";     echo $track->title . ":";    echo $track->permalink_url . "";    echo "</pre>";}

sI've seen this code is supposed to help (this is in Ruby):

# start paging through results, 100 at a timetracks = client.get('/tracks', :order => 'created_at', :limit => page_size,                    :linked_partitioning => 1)tracks.each { |t| puts t.title }

However, the first set of results will show and i'll even see the "next_href" at the end of the response, but what are you supposed to do, to make the next set of results show?