SoundCloud, filtering by query on the tracks of a specific user doesn't work SoundCloud, filtering by query on the tracks of a specific user doesn't work json json

SoundCloud, filtering by query on the tracks of a specific user doesn't work

I tried it with the SC own SDK here:

SC.initialize({ client_id: "cd3e093bf9688f09e3cdf15565fed8f3" });  SC.get('/users/4493849', { q: 'test' }, function(tracks) {  console.log(tracks);});

Result will be just one track / object:

Object {id: 4493849, kind: "user", permalink: "the-uprising-developers", username: "The Uprising Developers", uri: ""…}

The SoundCloud's API doesn't work with user sub-resources and search query.

So, the best way to do this is to load all tracks (batch load with offset parameter, if user has lots of tracks) all tracks and then code your search in the results.

This was the first feature that i needed too when i started my app, but there is no way to do this only with thiers API.