Spark Row to JSON Spark Row to JSON json json

Spark Row to JSON

Spark 2.1 should have native support for this use case (see #15354).

import$"c1", $"c2", $"c3")))

I use this command to solve the to_json problem:

output_df = ("*"))).alias("content")))

Here, no JSON parser, and it adapts to your schema:

import org.apache.spark.sql.functions.{col, concat, concat_ws, lit}  col(df.columns(0)),  col(df.columns(1)),  concat(    lit("{"),     concat_ws(",",df.dtypes.slice(2, df.dtypes.length).map(dt => {      val c = dt._1;      val t = dt._2;      concat(        lit("\"" + c + "\":" + (if (t == "StringType") "\""; else "")  ),        col(c),        lit(if(t=="StringType") "\""; else "")       )    }):_*),     lit("}")  ) as "C").collect()