SQL to JSON - array of objects to array of values in SQL 2016 SQL to JSON - array of objects to array of values in SQL 2016 json json

SQL to JSON - array of objects to array of values in SQL 2016

Thanks! The soultion we found is converting into XML first -

SELECT  JSON_QUERY('[' + STUFF(( SELECT ',' + '"' + item_id + '"' FROM #temp FOR XML PATH('')),1,1,'') + ']' ) ids  FOR JSON PATH , WITHOUT_ARRAY_WRAPPER 


I believe this is an even simpler way of doing it:

    SELECT '"ids": ' +     REPLACE(       REPLACE( (SELECT item_id FROM #temp FOR JSON AUTO),'{"item_id":','' ),      '"}','"' )

declare @temp table (item_id VARCHAR(256))INSERT INTO @temp VALUES ('1234'),('5678'),('7890')SELECT * FROM @temp--convert to JSONselect     json_query(QUOTENAME(STRING_AGG('"' + STRING_ESCAPE(item_id, 'json') + '"', char(44)))) as [json]from @tempfor json path

When we want to concatenate strings as json array then:

  1. escape string - STRING_ESCAPE

  2. concatenate string with comma separator - STRING_AGG, comma ascii code is 44

  3. add quotation it in brackets - QUOTENAME (without param)

  4. return string (with array of elements) as json - JSON_QUERY