Swagger run locally but not on IIS, not resolving base path Swagger run locally but not on IIS, not resolving base path json json

Swagger run locally but not on IIS, not resolving base path

Try using a relative path:

setupAction.SwaggerEndpoint("../swagger/Imaging4CastApiSpecification/swagger.json", "4Cast API");

Please note answer and explanation from the following issue: SwashBuckle

Here is my Swagger config for once of PRD application. Hope it helps

 public static IServiceCollection AddSwaggerConfig(this IServiceCollection services, IHostingEnvironment env,            string title, string version)            => services.AddSwaggerGen(c =>            {                //Ensure XML Document File of project is checked for both Debug and Release mode                c.IncludeXmlComments("Your App.xml");                //Display Enum name                c.DescribeAllEnumsAsStrings();                //c.OperationFilter<AddRequiredHeaderParameter>();                    //Authentication for Bearer                    c.AddSecurityDefinition("Bearer",                        new ApiKeyScheme                        {                            In = "header",                            Description = "Please enter JWT with Bearer into field",                            Name = "Authorization",                            Type = "apiKey"                        });                    c.AddSecurityRequirement(new Dictionary<string, IEnumerable<string>>                    {                        {"Bearer", Enumerable.Empty<string>()}                    });                c.SwaggerDoc(version, new Info                {                    Title = title,                    Version = version,                    Description = "",                    Contact = new Contact                    {                        Email = "Support@ABC.com",                        Name = ""                    }                });            });

Startup file

             app.                //Swagger                .UseSwagger()                .UseSwaggerUI(c =>                {                    c.SwaggerEndpoint($"./{_version}/swagger.json", Title);                });

The version is app variable from Config file which will be filtered by CI/CD

Swagger does not support Virtual Directory by default. Try and add this to your Startup.cs

    app.UseSwagger(c =>        {               c.RouteTemplate = "virtual_path/{documentName}/swagger.json";        });     app.UseSwaggerUI(c =>        {            //Include virtual directory          c.RoutePrefix = "virtual_path";// add your virtual path here.            c.SwaggerEndpoint("v1/swagger.json", "Api v1");        });