Test resources folder with Robolectric and Gradle Test resources folder with Robolectric and Gradle json json

Test resources folder with Robolectric and Gradle

I guess your issue is related to an open issue at google. https://code.google.com/p/android/issues/detail?id=136013

There exist also a workaround here an unmodified copy from post #10

import groovy.json.StringEscapeUtilsgradle.projectsEvaluated {def variants = android.applicationVariants.collect()tasks.withType(Test) { task ->    try {        variants.each { variant ->            def buildTypeName = variant.buildType.name.capitalize()            def productFlavorNames = variant.productFlavors.collect { it.name.capitalize() }            if (productFlavorNames.isEmpty()) {                productFlavorNames = [""]            }            def productFlavorName = productFlavorNames.join('')            def flavor = StringUtils.uncapitalize(productFlavorName)            def variationName = "${productFlavorName}${buildTypeName}"            if (task.name.contains(variationName)) {                def variationPath = variant.buildType.name;                if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(productFlavorName)) {                    variationPath = StringUtils.uncapitalize(productFlavorName) + "/" + variationPath                }                def copyTestResourcesTask = project.tasks.create("copyTest${variationName}Resources", Copy)                copyTestResourcesTask.from("${projectDir}/src/test/resources")                copyTestResourcesTask.into("${buildDir}/intermediates/classes/test/${variationPath}")                // Makes the test task depend on the copy test resource variation task                task.dependsOn(copyTestResourcesTask)                variants.remove(variant)                throw new Exception("Break") // Breaking the loop            }        }    } catch (Exception e) {} // Just drop the exception}}

and here you can find a working example https://github.com/nenick/android-gradle-template/blob/master/App/build.gradle