The terminal shell path "..\..\..\vsCode\git\bin\bash.exe" does not exist in VS Code Windows The terminal shell path "..\..\..\vsCode\git\bin\bash.exe" does not exist in VS Code Windows json json

The terminal shell path "..\..\..\vsCode\git\bin\bash.exe" does not exist in VS Code Windows

I searched for "shell path" in the VS Code settings and noticed that the path was wrong(Program Files instead of Program Files (x86))

I had to change it to

 "": "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Git\\bin\\bash.exe",

You can follow below link :

You need to edit the terminal integrated path in settings.json file to which ever thing you want it to compile it with

enter image description here

See the URL in the screenshot to find the location for settings.json file at my end:enter image description here

@Rhatalin thank you for the suggestion. I had the same issue on Windows 10. After updating below setting in settings.json (File -> Preferences -> Settings search for shell and choose Terminal-Integrated-Automation Shell: Windows -> Edit in settings.json) the issue was gone.

"": "C:\\Program Files\\Git\\bin\\bash.exe"