Time complexity of JSON serialization/parse Time complexity of JSON serialization/parse json json

Time complexity of JSON serialization/parse

I've benchmarked the time complexity with this code:

import jsonimport randomimport timeNs = 10, 100, 1000, 10000, 100000, 200000, 300000, 600000, 1000000for N in Ns:    l = [random.random() for i in xrange(N)]    t0 = time.time()    s = json.dumps(l)    t1 = time.time()    dt = t1-t0    print "%s %s" % (N, dt) 

On my machine, the outcome is:

10 7.20024108887e-05100 0.0003859996795651000 0.0036280155181910000 0.036504983902100000 0.366562128067200000 0.73614192009300000 1.09785795212600000 2.202728033071000000 3.6590487957

First column: list length; second column: time for serialization. Plotting (with for example xmgrace) reveals an ideal linear relation.