Transform XML elements of the same name into JSON properties of the same name Transform XML elements of the same name into JSON properties of the same name json json

Transform XML elements of the same name into JSON properties of the same name

Your JSON example:

object-node {  "value" : "value1",  "value" : "value2"}

isn't really valid: or at any rate, it's best avoided. RFC 7159 says:

When the names within an object are not unique, the behavior of software that receives such an object is unpredictable. Many implementations report the last name/value pair only. Other implementations report an error or fail to parse the object, and some implementations report all of the name/value pairs, including duplicates.

I don't believe that it is possible to embed a FLWOR inside of the object-node() constructor.

You could construct a string and evaluate with xdmp:eval() or xdmp:value():

let $container :=     <container>      <value>value1</value>      <value>value2</value>    </container>return  xdmp:value(   "object-node {" ||      fn:string-join($container/value ! ('"' || local-name() || '": "' || . || '"'), ",") ||    " }"  )

Or build the JSON string and use xdmp:unquote():

let $container :=     <container>      <value>value1</value>      <value>value2</value>    </container>return  xdmp:unquote(   "{" ||      fn:string-join($container/value ! ('"' || local-name() ||'": "' || . || '"'), ",") ||    "}"  )