TypeError: Object of type bool_ is not JSON serializable TypeError: Object of type bool_ is not JSON serializable json json

TypeError: Object of type bool_ is not JSON serializable

It's likely because of this issue (or something similar):

import numpy as npimport jsonjson.dumps({"X": np.int32(5) > 5})

TypeError: Object of type 'bool_' is not JSON serializable

The issue is that you end up with something of type bool_ instead of bool.

Calling bool()on whichever value(s) are of the wrong type will fix your issue (assuming your version of bool_ behaves similarly to numpy's:

json.dumps({"X": bool(np.int32(5) > 5)})

'{"X": false}'

If you have multiple bool_ keys or a nested structure, this will convert all bool_ fields including deeply nested values, if any:

import jsonclass CustomJSONizer(json.JSONEncoder):    def default(self, obj):        return super().encode(bool(obj)) \            if isinstance(obj, np.bool_) \            else super().default(obj)

Then to convert the object/dict:

json.dumps(d, cls=CustomJSONizer)

Convert the bool value to a string - dict["your_key"] = str(bool value)