Unable to convert varchar to array in Presto Athena Unable to convert varchar to array in Presto Athena json json

Unable to convert varchar to array in Presto Athena

You can use a combination of parsing the value as JSON, casting it to a structured SQL type (array/map/row), and UNNEST WITH ORDINALITY to extract the elements from the array as separate rows. Note that this only works if the array elements in the JSON payload don't have a trailing commas. Your example has one but it is removed from the example below.

WITH data(value) AS (VALUES '[    {      "skuId": "5bc87ae20d298a283c297ca1",      "unitPrice": 0,      "id": "5bc87ae20d298a283c297ca1",      "quantity": "1"    },    {      "skuId": "182784738484wefhdchs4848",      "unitPrice": 50,      "id": "5bc87ae20d298a283c297ca1",      "quantity": "4"    }  ]'),parsed(entries) AS (  SELECT cast(json_parse(value) AS array(row(skuId varchar)))  FROM data)SELECT ordinal, skuIdFROM parsed, UNNEST(entries) WITH ORDINALITY t(skuId, ordinal)


 ordinal |          skuId---------+--------------------------       1 | 5bc87ae20d298a283c297ca1       2 | 182784738484wefhdchs4848(2 rows)