Unable to get Choropleth Map using my code: Please guide Thanks Unable to get Choropleth Map using my code: Please guide Thanks json json

Unable to get Choropleth Map using my code: Please guide Thanks

This should work for you. The method has been modified to Choropleth and not choropleth.You should have


In all

world_geo = r'world_countries.json' # geojson file    # create a plain world mapworld_map = folium.Map(location=[0, 0], zoom_start=2, tiles='Mapbox Bright')# generate choropleth map using the total immigration of each country to Canada from 1980 to 2013folium.Choropleth(    geo_data=world_geo,    data=df_can,    columns=['Country', 'Total'],    key_on='feature.properties.name',    fill_color='YlOrRd',     fill_opacity=0.7,     line_opacity=0.2,    legend_name='Immigration to Canada').add_to(world_map)# display map    world_map

I hope this helps