Unable to install json 1.8.3 in ruby 2.2.1 Unable to install json 1.8.3 in ruby 2.2.1 json json

Unable to install json 1.8.3 in ruby 2.2.1

simple fix delete your gem.lock file and run bundle install this should rebuild the gemlock file and fix the issue, i was getting the same error when trying to move my development environment from nitrous.io to cloud9,. hope this help

copy from migs120's answer https://github.com/flori/json/issues/253

I use macOS sierra, it's work fine.

I would suggest try this for MacOS,

bundle update json --conservative

It will resolve the error.

Install the following package in ubuntu

sudo apt-get install libgmp3-dev

For more informationhttps://github.com/flori/json/issues/253