Using MVC3's AntiForgeryToken in HTTP GET to avoid Javascript CSRF vulnerability Using MVC3's AntiForgeryToken in HTTP GET to avoid Javascript CSRF vulnerability json json

Using MVC3's AntiForgeryToken in HTTP GET to avoid Javascript CSRF vulnerability

The MVC AntiForgeryToken won't work through HTTP GET, because it relies on cookies which rely on HTTP POST (it uses the "Double Submit Cookies" technique described in the OWASP XSRF Prevention Cheat Sheet). You can also additionally protect the cookies sent to the client by setting the as httponly, so they cannot be spoofed via a script.

In this document you can find various techniques that can be used to prevent XSRF. It seems the you described would fall into the Approach 1. But we have a problem on how to retrieve the session on the server when using Ajax HTTP GET request since the cookies are not sent with the request. So you would also have to add a session identifier to you action's URL (aka. cookieless sessions, which are easier to hijack). So in order to perform an attack the attacker would only need to know the correct URL to perform the GET request.

Perhaps a good solution would be to store the session data using some key from the users SSL certificate (for example the certs thumb-print). This way only the owner of the SSL certificate could access his session. This way you don't need to use cookies and you don't need to send session identifiers via query string parameters.

Anyway, you will need to roll out your own XSRF protection if you don't want to use HTTP POST in MVC.

I came to this problem and the solution was not so trivial however there is a fantastic blog to get you started this can be used with get and post ajax.

If you place the following in the global name space all your post/gets can take advantage having an anti forgery token and you don't have to modify your ajax calls. Create an input element in a common page.

<form id="__AjaxAntiForgeryForm" action="#" method="post">@Html.AntiForgeryToken()</form>

The following javascript will read the anti forgery tokken and add it to the request header.

// Wire up the global jQuery ajaxSend event handler.$(document).ajaxSend(namespace.ajax.globalSendHandler);// <summary>// Global handler for all ajax send events.// </summary>namespace.ajax.globalSendHandler = function (event, xhr, ajaxOptions) {    // Add the anti forgery token    xhr.setRequestHeader('__RequestVerificationToken', $("#__AjaxAntiForgeryForm input[name=__RequestVerificationToken]").val());};

I think it is legitimate to use AntiforgeryToken (AFT) within an ajax http GET request provided that it is embedded in a form that already provides the AFT and associated cookie. The ajax handler can then do the validate on the server just how it would in a normal form post.