Using The Google Maps Geolocation API Using The Google Maps Geolocation API json json

Using The Google Maps Geolocation API

It looks like the problem is here is that the HttpPost object defaults to sending its parameters as x-www-form-urlencoded, but you need to send it as application/json. This thread explains what happens if you do this: How to use parameters with HttpPost

There are a couple of ways that should fix it. One is to set the Content-type header on the HttpPost object:

request.setHeader("Content-type", "application/json");

The other, which I think is better, is to use the setContentType method of StringEntity documented here


Either of these single lines used before you send the request should fix the problem.

Is your JSON request object complete? I mean it looks like the keys you are using are part of a single "tower" description, but that this is just part of the larger request body, which should be formatted like:

{  "homeMobileCountryCode": 310,  "homeMobileNetworkCode": 410,  "radioType": "gsm",  "carrier": "Vodafone",  "cellTowers": [   // See the Cell Tower Objects section below.  ],  "wifiAccessPoints": [    // See the WiFi Access Point Objects section below.  ]}

Where the tower objects are formatted like:

{'cellTowers': [  {    'cellId': 42,    'locationAreaCode': 415,    'mobileCountryCode': 310,    'mobileNetworkCode': 410,    'age': 0,    'signalStrength': -60,    'timingAdvance': 15  }]}

I guess I'm missing how your json object gets turned into the complete one?