Why does JSON null not cast to SQL null in postgres? Why does JSON null not cast to SQL null in postgres? json json

Why does JSON null not cast to SQL null in postgres?

Use the ->> operator for retrieving the json field.

This should work and return null (as in, no value) correctly for both:

select ('{"id": null}'::json->>'id')::textselect ('{"id": null}'::json->>'id')::integer

I've made a fiddle that demostrates it

PS: to get the string "null", you'd need to define your json as: {"id": "null"}

You probably need to use the json_typeof operator to figure out what you have in the JSON type that is returned by ->

select json_typeof('{"id": 4}'::json->'id'),       json_typeof('{"id": "null"}'::json->'id'),       json_typeof('{"id": null}'::json->'id');

Using ->> instead guarantees you a text string value, but then you cannot distinguish between null and "null"