Why don't my TopoJSON lat and long points show on my US map? Why don't my TopoJSON lat and long points show on my US map? json json

Why don't my TopoJSON lat and long points show on my US map?

I'd like to answer this question so that others like me can figure this out.

Per user1614080's suggestion, I was going about the problem wrong. Since I just wanted to plot lat and long coordinates on a map, I needed to use Geojson and overlay that over a TopoJSON map. Like, so:

var width = 900,    height = 500;var projection = d3.geo.albersUsa()    .scale(1070)    .translate([460, height / 2]);var path = d3.geo.path()    .projection(projection)    .pointRadius(2);var svg = d3.select("#map").append("svg")    .attr("width", width)    .attr("height", height);queue()    .defer(d3.json, "../us.json")    .defer(d3.tsv, "../long_lat.tsv")    .await(ready);function ready(error, us, long_lat) {    if (error){        console.log(error);    }  svg.append("path")      .datum(topojson.feature(us, us.objects.land))      .attr("class", "land")      .attr("d", path);     svg.append("path")          .datum(topojson.mesh(us, us.objects.states, function(a, b) { return a !== b; }))          .attr("class", "states")          .attr("d", path);     svg.append("path")          .datum({type: "MultiPoint", coordinates: long_lat})          .attr("class", "points")          .attr("d", path)          .style('fill', 'rgb(247, 150, 29)');};

Notice in the last block I append my lat long coordinates with geoJson, not TopoJson. However, my graph still wouldn't work. And even more frustrating, it wasn't throwing me any errors. I looked and looked online, until I found this thread with Bostock: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/d3-js/rxs-g6ezPwY

He mentions something very important,"...the points come from a CSV file with columns 0 and 1 (longitude and latitude)..."

I hadn't realized that the 0 1 at the top of the tsv file mapped to long and lat. Once I realized I had my coordinates backwards, I fixed and prezto. It worked.