Why isn't the code in the `else` section of my `try` block being run? Why isn't the code in the `else` section of my `try` block being run? json json

Why isn't the code in the `else` section of my `try` block being run?

In case else block raises an exception, it gets ignored, since the interpreter has to execute return from the function. A demo:

>>> def divide(x, y):...     try:...         result = x / y...     except ZeroDivisionError:...         print "division by zero!"...     else:...         print "result is", result...         print 1/0...     finally:...         return 1... >>> divide(2,1)result is 21

1/0 doesn't cause any traceback.

I think errors is not defined.

len(errors) would raise an exception, but not prevent the execution of the finally block, hence still returning some data, without having defined result_response['success']