Wordpress REST API _fields and _embed parameters are not working simultaneously Wordpress REST API _fields and _embed parameters are not working simultaneously json json

Wordpress REST API _fields and _embed parameters are not working simultaneously

You need to add _links to get the JSON object:


As answered previously, it would seem the _link is necessary to figure out how to get the _embed property. But if you're like me and want to really minimize the amount of JSON that is returned, you can do the following.

Suppose you want the wp:featuredmedia property of _embedded. Then you can request



_embed => wp:featuredmedia

_fields => _embedded and _links.wp:featuredmedia (so that embedding will actually work)

OPTION 2: A slight variation that also works


_embed => tells us to do embedding

_fields => _links.wp:featuredmedia,_embedded.wp:featuredmedia (ensures we only return those)