24 hours performance test execution stopped abruptly running in jmeter pod in AKS 24 hours performance test execution stopped abruptly running in jmeter pod in AKS kubernetes kubernetes

24 hours performance test execution stopped abruptly running in jmeter pod in AKS

It looks like your Schedule Feedback Function configuration is wrong in its last parameter

enter image description here

The warning means that the Throughput Shaping Timer attempts to increase the number of threads to reach/maintain the desired concurrency but it doesn't have enough threads in order to do this.

So either increase this Spare threads ration to be closer to 1 if you're using a float value for percentage or increment the absolute value in order to match the number of threads.

Quote from documentation:

Example function call: ${__tstFeedback(tst-name,1,100,10)} , where "tst-name" is name of Throughput Shaping Timer to integrate with, 1 and 100 are starting threads and max allowed threads, 10 is how many spare threads to keep in thread pool. If spare threads parameter is a float value <1, then it is interpreted as a ratio relative to the current estimate of threads needed. If above 1, spare threads is interpreted as an absolute count.

More information: Using JMeter’s Throughput Shaping Timer Plugin

However it doesn't explain the premature termination of the test so ensure that there are no errors in jmeter/k8s logs, one of the possible reasons is that JMeter process is being terminated by OOMKiller