413 error with Kubernetes and Nginx ingress controller 413 error with Kubernetes and Nginx ingress controller kubernetes kubernetes

413 error with Kubernetes and Nginx ingress controller

You can use the annotation nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/proxy-body-size to set the max-body-size option right in your Ingress object instead of changing a base ConfigMap.

Here is the example of usage:

apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1kind: Ingressmetadata:  name: my-app  annotations:    nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/proxy-body-size: "50m"...

To set it globally, this configmap.md documentation might be helpful. Turns out the variable to set is proxy-body-size, not client-max-body-size.

When you deploy the helm chart, you can set --set-string controller.config.proxy-body-size="4m".


I have been experiencing the same problem and no solutions were working. After reading through countless blogs and docs that all had the same suggested solution I found that they have changed the naming convention.

It is no longer denoted by "proxy-body-size" or this just never works for me.

link below shows that the correct configmap variable to use is "client-max-body-size"
