Accessing Azure File Share from local Kubernetes cluster Accessing Azure File Share from local Kubernetes cluster kubernetes kubernetes

Accessing Azure File Share from local Kubernetes cluster

The recommended way to mount an Azure file share on Linux is using SMB 3.0. By default, Azure Files requires encryption in transit, which is only supported by SMB 3.0. Azure Files also supports SMB 2.1, which does not support encryption in transit, but you may not mount Azure file shares with SMB 2.1 from another Azure region or on-premises for security reasons.

so if you are using smb 2.1 you can only mount the file share from inside the same region. not from local workstation or from another azure region

since your cifs mount mentions vers=3.0 - I would assume this should work in your case. check storage account network access restrictions? or your network restrictions. say port 445, or other concerns mentioned in the linked article