Accessing kubernetes dashboard gives Error trying to reach service: 'dial tcp connect: connection refused' Accessing kubernetes dashboard gives Error trying to reach service: 'dial tcp connect: connection refused' kubernetes kubernetes

Accessing kubernetes dashboard gives Error trying to reach service: 'dial tcp connect: connection refused'

In case you are using kubectl proxy to connect to Kubernetes API, make sure kubeconfig file is properly configured. or try kubectl proxy --kubeconfig=/path/to/dashboard-user.kubeconfig

Note: This way of accessing Dashboard is only possible if you choose to install your user certificates in the browser. In example as mentioned before, certificates used by the kubeconfig file to contact API Server can be used.

Take a look: cannot-access-dashboard, kubernetes-dashboard-showing-http-proxy, accessing-dashboard-kubernetes, setting-kubernetes-dashboard.

Try running the service on a different port

kubectl proxy --address='' --port=8002 --accept-hosts='.*'

If this does not work then another Quick fix, edit the kubernetes-dashboard yaml file >> selector type is "ClusterIP" to "NodePort" if you are running on localhost.