Accessing service using istio ingress gives 503 error when mTLS is enabled Accessing service using istio ingress gives 503 error when mTLS is enabled kubernetes kubernetes

Accessing service using istio ingress gives 503 error when mTLS is enabled

The problem is probably as follows: istio-ingressgateway initiates mTLS to hr--gateway-service on port 80, but hr--gateway-service expects plain HTTP connections.

There are multiple solutions:

  1. Define a DestinationRule to instruct clients to disable mTLS on calls to hr--gateway-service
   apiVersion:   kind: DestinationRule   metadata:     name: hr--gateway-service-disable-mtls   spec:     host: hr--gateway-service.default.svc.cluster.local     trafficPolicy:       tls:         mode: DISABLE
  1. Instruct hr-gateway-service to accept mTLS connections. For that, configure the server TLS options on port 80 to be MUTUAL and to use Istio certificates and the private key. Specify serverCertificate, caCertificates and privateKey to be /etc/certs/cert-chain.pem, /etc/certs/root-cert.pem, /etc/certs/key.pem, respectively.