Add host mapping to /etc/hosts in Kubernetes Add host mapping to /etc/hosts in Kubernetes kubernetes kubernetes

Add host mapping to /etc/hosts in Kubernetes

To add a hostname to the hosts file in a "semi" dynamic fashion, one can use the postStart hook:

spec:  containers:  - name: somecontainer    image: someimage    lifecycle:      postStart:        exec:          command:            - "cat"            - "someip"            - "somedomain"            - ">"            - "/etc/hosts"

A better way would be however to use an abstract name representing the service in multiple stages. For example instead of using use database01 and setup the environment such that this resolves to production in the production setting and staging in the staging setting.

Lastly it is also possible to edit the kubedns settings such that the kubernetes DNS can be used to retrieve external DNS names. Then you would just use whatever name you need in the code, and it just "automagically" works. See for example on how to set this up (varies a bit from version to version of skydns: Some older ones really do not work with this, so upgrade to at least kube 1.3 to make this work properly)

Create a file on the host system(or a secret) with all the extra hosts you need (e.g. /tmp/extra-hosts)

Then in K8S manifest:

spec:  containers:    - name: haproxy      image: haproxy      lifecycle:        postStart:          exec:            command: ["/bin/sh", "-c", "cat /hosts >> /etc/hosts"]      volumeMounts:        - name: haproxy-hosts          mountPath: /hosts      volumes:        - name: haproxy-hosts          hostPath:            path: /tmp/extra-hosts

From"In addition to the default boilerplate, we can add additional entries to the hosts file to resolve foo.local, bar.local to and foo.remote, bar.remote to, we can by adding HostAliases to the Pod under .spec.hostAliases:"

Also you can "Configure stub-domain and upstream DNS servers".