After the Pod is injected into the sidecar of istio, the websocket connection will be interrupted abnormally After the Pod is injected into the sidecar of istio, the websocket connection will be interrupted abnormally kubernetes kubernetes

After the Pod is injected into the sidecar of istio, the websocket connection will be interrupted abnormally

The problem here was websocketUpgrade, one line but important one.

As I could find on github there

Support for websockets is enabled by default in Istio from version 1.0:

And OP provided another one there

websocketUpgrade was removed some time ago, and is no longer needed.

So it should work without adding it to virtual service.


As showed on github issue and confirmed by OP You still have to add it.

I found that only need to add conf of "websocketUpgrade: true".

So if you have same issue, you should try add weboscketUpgrade to your virtual service yaml.

If that doesn't work, there is another idea on github how to fix this.