Airflow KubernetesPodOperator AirflowException('Pod Launching failed: {error}'.format(error=ex)) Airflow KubernetesPodOperator AirflowException('Pod Launching failed: {error}'.format(error=ex)) kubernetes kubernetes

Airflow KubernetesPodOperator AirflowException('Pod Launching failed: {error}'.format(error=ex))

The problem

Microk8s was not having access to docker. I found out about it by running microk8s.inspect and getting the

WARNING:  Docker is installed. File "/etc/docker/daemon.json" does not exist. You should create it and add the following lines: {    "insecure-registries" : ["localhost:32000"] }and then restart docker with: sudo systemctl restart dockerBuilding the report tarball  Report tarball is at /var/snap/microk8s/1320/inspection-report-20200415_141500.tar.gz

After doing as the warning said airflow manage to deploy the image in the pod.