Alibaba Cloud Managed Kubernetes Terraform Alibaba Cloud Managed Kubernetes Terraform kubernetes kubernetes

Alibaba Cloud Managed Kubernetes Terraform

You can insert the vswitch id in the resource definition:

resource "alicloud_cs_managed_kubernetes" "k8s" {  name = "${}"  availability_zone = "${}"  new_nat_gateway = true  worker_instance_types = ["${}"]  worker_numbers = [2]  password = "Test12345"  pod_cidr = ""  service_cidr = ""  install_cloud_monitor = true  worker_disk_category  = "cloud_efficiency"  vswitch_ids = ["your-alibaba-vswitch-id"]}

For the zones (if you want to override the defaults) based on this and the docs, you need to do something like this:

data "alicloud_zones" main {  available_resource_creation = "VSwitch"  zones = [     {       id = "..."       local_name = "..."       ...     },     {       id = "..."       local_name = "..."       ...     },     ...  ]}

To set region:

While configuring Alicloud provider in Terraform itself you can set the region:

provider "alicloud" {  access_key = "${var.access_key}"  secret_key = "${var.secret_key}"  region     = "${var.region}"}

For instance, let me consider Beijing as the region:

provider "alicloud" {      access_key = "accesskey"      secret_key = "secretkey"      region     = "cn-beijing"    }

To set vswitch IDs:

while defining the resource section we can insert the desired vswitches

resource "alicloud_instance"{  # ...  instance_name = "in-the-vpc"  vswitch_id = "${}"  # ...}

For instance, let me consider vsw-25naue4gz as the vswitch id:

resource "alicloud_instance"{      # ...      vswitch_id = "vsw-25naue4gz"      # ...    }