Allow CORS requests Azure Function hosted in Kubernetes Allow CORS requests Azure Function hosted in Kubernetes kubernetes kubernetes

Allow CORS requests Azure Function hosted in Kubernetes

I've made a similar for response for Raspberry Pi in another SO post which is applicable here too.Here is the same answer for reference

CORS is basically just sending the appropriate headers in your response.

On Azure, this is taken care of by the platform itself but since you will be running/accessing the functions runtime directly from a container, you can just set them on the response object.

For example, if you are using NodeJS/JavaScript for your functions, set the headers using context.res

context.res = {  status: 200,  headers: {    'Access-Control-Allow-Credentials': 'true',    'Access-Control-Allow-Origin': '*', // Or the origins you want to allow requests from    'Content-Type': 'application/json'  },  body: {    just: 'some data'  }};

Also, another way to do CORS is using a reverse proxy that adds the headers for you, especially makes things easier if they are the same for all your functions.