Apply annotations for load balancer on GCP for source IP firewall rules on GKE Apply annotations for load balancer on GCP for source IP firewall rules on GKE kubernetes kubernetes

Apply annotations for load balancer on GCP for source IP firewall rules on GKE

If you are asking about capability to whitelist firewalls using 'loadBalancerSourceRanges' parameter annotation is supported and often use on GCP.

Here is example Loadbalancer service with defined source-ranges:

apiVersion: v1kind: Servicemetadata:  name: example-loadbalancer  annotations: ","spec:  type: LoadBalancer  ports:  - protocol: TCP    port: 8888    targetPort: 8888

Unlike Network Load Balancing, access to TCP Proxy Load Balancing cannot be controlled by using firewall rules. This is because TCP Proxy Load Balancing is implemented at the edge of the Google Cloud and firewall rules are implemented on instances in the data center.enter image description hereUseful documentations: gcp-external-load-balancing, load-balancing.