Argo stop workflow early, mark complete Argo stop workflow early, mark complete kubernetes kubernetes

Argo stop workflow early, mark complete

By default, a step that exits with a non-zero exit code fails the workflow.

I would suggest writing an output parameter to determine whether the workflow should continue.

- name: yourstep  container:    command: [sh, -c]    args: ["yourcommand; if [ -f /tmp/yourfile ]; then echo continue > /tmp/continue; fi"]  outputs:    parameters:    - name: continue      valueFrom:        default: "stop"        path: /tmp/continue

Alternatively, you can override the fail-on-nonzero-exitcode behavior with continueOn.

continueOn:  failed: true

I'd caution against continueOn.failed: true. If your command throws a non-zero exit code for an unexpected reason, the workflow won't fail like it should, and the bug might go un-noticed.