Back-off restarting failed container In Azure AKS Back-off restarting failed container In Azure AKS kubernetes kubernetes

Back-off restarting failed container In Azure AKS

It runs locally. Implicitly, it assigns CI="true" flag. However, in docker-compose stdin_open: true or tty: true is to be set and in Kubernetes deployment file, ENV named variable CI is to be set up with value "true".

The below command solved my problem:-

az aks update -n aks-nks-k8s-cluster -g aks-nks-k8s-rg --attach-acr aksnksk8s

After executing the above command, below will be displayed:-

Add ROLE Propagation done [###############] 100.0000%

and then,Running.. followed by Response trail after some time.


aks-nks-k8s-cluster : Cluster name I have created and usingaks-nks-k8s-rg : Resource Group have created and usingaksnksk8s : Container Registries which I have created and using