calico-policy-controller requests etcd2 certificates of a different coreos server calico-policy-controller requests etcd2 certificates of a different coreos server kubernetes kubernetes

calico-policy-controller requests etcd2 certificates of a different coreos server

ok.. so my setup at home is 2 pcs with coreos installed on them for testing. so in my scenario i have 2 etcd2 servers, one on each server.

in general kubernetes is for a large scale of servers and they recommend not to have etcd2 servers and kubernetes containers on same machine, since in my case I must have them both in the same server, I opened etcd2 to loopback device on port 4001 with http protocol. so now whenever I need to configure etcd2 servers in kubernetes containers, i just point to http:/, and then it points to the etcd2 on that same server without requesting ssl certificates. so services in that same server won't need https for etcd2, but services outside the server will need.