can istio support route to different service by dynamic part of uri path can istio support route to different service by dynamic part of uri path kubernetes kubernetes

can istio support route to different service by dynamic part of uri path

I do not think Istio can do what you ask. The good side of it is that you must control all the entry points into your cluster - which application is accessible and how it is accessible - less security holes.

I am not sure but on github they use regexp in VirtualService:

  - match:    - headers:        cookie:          regex: "^(.*?;)?(user=dev-123)(;.*)?"

so you could try to use something like:

apiVersion: VirtualServicemetadata: name: my-virtualservicespec: hosts: - "*" gateways: - my-gateway http: - match:   - uri:       prefix:         regex: "/applications/(?<appname>.*)"   route:   - destination:       host: match_group['appname']       port:         number: 9080

instead of regix