Can we read environment variable on Azure Kubernetes Pod? Can we read environment variable on Azure Kubernetes Pod? kubernetes kubernetes

Can we read environment variable on Azure Kubernetes Pod?

To access env from k8s pods, you need to provide those env through pod's spec.containers[].env[].

apiVersion: v1kind: Podmetadata:  name: demo-podspec:  containers:  - name: mycontainer    image: demo/new-image    env:      # define env from k8s secret (used specially for credentials)      - name: SECRET_USERNAME        valueFrom:          secretKeyRef:            name: mysecret            key: username      # define env from configmap      - name: SPECIAL_CREDENTIALS          valueFrom:            configMapKeyRef:               name: configmap-name              key: config.json      # define value directly       - name: DEMO_GREETING        value: "Hello from the environment"

If you want to pass the environment variable to code you can use the value of config map of kubernetes. it will set the value in environment os of pod and in code you can get it from there.

for secure data you can use the secret.

You can also use downward-api to expose pod information to containers.