Can we setup a k8s bare matal server to run Bind DNS server (named) and have an access to it from the outside on port 53? Can we setup a k8s bare matal server to run Bind DNS server (named) and have an access to it from the outside on port 53? kubernetes kubernetes

Can we setup a k8s bare matal server to run Bind DNS server (named) and have an access to it from the outside on port 53?

I suppose Your nginx-ingress doesn't work as expected. You need Load Balancer provider, such as MetalLB, to Your bare metal k8s cluster to receive external connections on ports like 53. And You don't need nginx-ingress to use with bind, just change bind Service type from ClusterIP to LoadBalancer and ensure you got an external IP on this Service. Your helm chart manual may help to switch to LoadBalancer.