Cannot access exposed Dockerized React app on Kubernetes Cannot access exposed Dockerized React app on Kubernetes kubernetes kubernetes

Cannot access exposed Dockerized React app on Kubernetes

The short version is that the Service is listening on the same TCP/IP port on every Node in your cluster (34604) as is shown in the output of describe service:

NodePort:                 <unset>  34604

If you wish to access the application through a "nice" URL, you'll want a load balancer that can translate the hostname into the in-cluster IP and port combination. That's what an Ingress controller is designed to do, but it isn't the only way -- changing the Service to be type: LoadBalancer will do that for you, if you're running in a cloud environment where Kubernetes knows how to programmatically create load balancers for you.

I believe you found the answer by now :), I landed here as I was facing this issue. Solved for self, hope this helps everyone.

Here's what can help:

  1. Deploy your app (say: react-app).
  2. Run below command:kubectl expose deployment <workload> --namespace=app-dev --name=react-app --type=NodePort --port=3000 output: service/notesui-app exposed

Publish the service port as 3000, Target Port 3000, Node Port (auto selected 32250)

kubectl get svc react-app --namespace=notesui-devNAME          TYPE       CLUSTER-IP    EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)          AGEreact-app   NodePort   <none>        3000:32250/TCP   48m

Yaml: (sample)

apiVersion: v1kind: Service  name: react-app  namespace: app-devspec:  selector: <workload>  ports:  - nodePort: 32250    port: 3000    protocol: TCP    targetPort: 3000  type: NodePortstatus: {}

Access the app on browser:


is your node ip where pod is running.If you have app running in multiple nodes (scaled). It is a NodePort setting on every node.App can be accessed:
