Can't Access Kubernetes Service Exposed via NodePort Can't Access Kubernetes Service Exposed via NodePort kubernetes kubernetes

Can't Access Kubernetes Service Exposed via NodePort

The error Connection Refused mostly means that the application inside the container does not accept requests on the targeted interface or not mapped through the expected ports.

Things you need to be aware of:

  • Make sure that your application bind to so it can receive requests from outside the container either externally as in public or through other containers.
  • Make sure that your application is actually listening on the containerPort and targetPort as expect

In your case you have to make sure that ADDERSERVICE_SERVICE_HOST equals to and ADDERSERVICE_SERVICE_PORT equals to 8080 which should be the same value as targetPort in service.yml and containerPort in deployment.yml

Not answering the question but if someone who googled comes here like me who faced the same issue. Here is my solution for the same problem.

My Mac System IP and minikube IP are different.

So localhost:port didn't work instead try getting IP

minikube ip

Later, use that IP:Port to access the app and it works.

Check if service is really listening on 8080.

Try telnet within the container.

telnet 8080...telnet 8080