Can't create ReplicationController for Nginx in Kubernetes Can't create ReplicationController for Nginx in Kubernetes kubernetes kubernetes

Can't create ReplicationController for Nginx in Kubernetes

You can get information with kubectl describe pod xxx, as you did.And more information with kubectl get pod xxx -o yaml (this pretty much gives you everything the cluster knows about the pod).And finally, check the pod's logs with kubect logs xxx.

When I reproduce with your manifest yaml file, kubectl get pod xxx shows:kubectl logs nginx-ingress-controller-test-4mgw7
I1117 08:44:11.650301 1 main.go:94] Using build: - git-92b2bacF1117 08:44:11.703533 1 main.go:121] no service with name default/default-http-backend found: services "default-http-backend" not found

So there you go, you're missing a backend service.

Tip: an easier way to install the ingress nginx controler could be:helm install ing-nginx-ctrl stable/nginx-ingress

There's an helm chart for it.