Can't install autoscaler on AWS now? Can't install autoscaler on AWS now? kubernetes kubernetes

Can't install autoscaler on AWS now?

On AWS EKS (Elastic Kubernetes Service), the sslCertPath required by the cluster-autoscaler seems to be indeed /etc/ssl/certs/ca-bundle.crt


helm install stable/cluster-autoscaler   --set "autoscalingGroups[0].name=myasgname-worker-nodes-3-NodeGroup-HHTVNI2VF9DF,autoscalingGroups[0].maxSize=10,autoscalingGroups[0].minSize=2"   --name cluster-autoscaler  --namespace kube-system   --set rbac.create=true   --set sslCertPath=/etc/ssl/certs/ca-bundle.crt

The issue appears to be with the CA certificate mount. It's saying Check if the specified host path exists and is the expected type.

The cluster-autoscaler image does not come with any CA certificates, so you have to mount them from the host into the container. Maybe the OS that you're using puts those certificates in a different location? Check if /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt exists on your host, and if not find out what the correct path is for the CA certs on your host and update the volume: configuration of the deployment accordingly.

What version of Kubernetes are you running on AWS? Please refer to the compatibility matrix. You also may find my pull request to Kops helpful if you are running Kubernetes 1.8+