Celery 'Error: No nodes replied within time constraint' error - how to debug? Celery 'Error: No nodes replied within time constraint' error - how to debug? kubernetes kubernetes

Celery 'Error: No nodes replied within time constraint' error - how to debug?

I had the same issue or at least very similar. I've manged to fix it in my project by pinning kombu to version 4.6.3. According to this issue on the github for celery it is an issue with 4.6.4. Really insidious problem to debug, but I hope this helps!

As suggest here in the first answer and the issue on github downgrading kombu to version 4.6.3 itself was not enough I had to change my command a bit and use this one .. :

timeout 120s celery inspect ping -A run:celery -b ${REDIS_URL} -d celery@$HOSTNAME

Notice redis URL and the hostname.