Changing default file owner and group owner of kubernetes secrets files mounted on projected volumes Changing default file owner and group owner of kubernetes secrets files mounted on projected volumes kubernetes kubernetes

Changing default file owner and group owner of kubernetes secrets files mounted on projected volumes

As far as I know, there's no way to change owner UID for secrets.

A workaround is to copy a secret to a normal file, then change its ownership and mode, like this:

apiVersion: v1kind: Podmetadata:  name: volume-testspec:  containers:  - name: container-test    image: busybox    command: |      - "/bin/bash"      - "-exc"        cp /etc/secrets-mount/*_pgpass /etc/secrets        chown my-user /etc/*_pgpass        chmod 600 /etc/*_pgpass        exec su-exec my-user /    volumeMounts:    - name: secrets      mountPath: /etc/secrets-mount/....

As Alexey said, it is not possible at this time, until is done.

His solution is working perfectly, unless you have securityContraint.runAsNonRoot set, in which case the container wont have rights on the secret.

In my case, I had to do the following :

apiVersion: apps/v1kind: Deploymentspec:  template:    spec:      ##########################################      #         Volumes definitions      volumes:      - name: key-volume        emptyDir:          sizeLimit: "8k"      - name: root-owned-key-volume        secret:          secretName: my-secret          items:            - key: a_key_file              path: a_key_file              mode: 0600      ##########################################      #         initContainers definitions      initContainers:        - name: set-key-ownership          image: alpine:3.6          command: ["sh", "-c", "cp /root-key/* /key && chown -R 33:33 /key"]          volumeMounts:          - mountPath: /key            name: key-volume          - mountPath: /root-key            name: root-owned-key-volume      ##########################################      #         Containers definitions      containers:      - name: my-main-container        (...)        securityContext:          runAsNonRoot: true          runAsUser: 33        (...)        volumeMounts:        - mountPath: /key          name: key-volume

Basically, knowing that it is impossible to change the ownership of the secret file, an initContainer will copy it to another temporary folder and change ownership of this new file.

Gross, but at least, it's working.