Changing hostname breaks Rabbitmq when running on Kubernetes Changing hostname breaks Rabbitmq when running on Kubernetes kubernetes kubernetes

Changing hostname breaks Rabbitmq when running on Kubernetes

The idea is to use a different 'service' and 'deployment' for each of the node you want to create.

As you said, you have to create a custom NODENAME for each i.e:


Also rabbitmq-1,rabbitmq-2,rabbitmq-3 have to be resolved from each nodes. For that you can use kubedns. The /etc/resolv.conf will look like:

search rmq.svc.cluster.local 

and /etc/hosts must contains: rabbitmq-1  # or rabbitmq-2 on node 2...

The services are here to create a stable network identity for each nodes


The different deployments resources will allow you to mount a different volume on each node.

I'm working on a deployment tool to simplify those actions:I've done a demo on how I scale and deploy rabbitmq from 1 to 3 nodes on kubernetes:

More generally, the complexity your facing to deploy a clustered application is addressed in the 'petset proposal':

In addition to the first reply by @ant31:

Kubernetes now allows to setup a hostname, e.g. in yaml:

template:  metadata:    annotations:      "": rabbit-rc1

See # A Records and hostname Based on Pod Annotations - A Beta Feature in Kubernetes v1.2

It seems that the whole configuration alive multiple restarts or re-schedules. I've not setup a cluster however I'm going to follow the tutorial for mongodb, see

The approach will be probably almost same from kubernetes point of view.